Pasqual Arnella

Collaboration with the Barcelona Design Museum

16 December 2020

Pasqual Arnella collaborates with the Barcelona Design Museum for the unusual exhibition Emergency! Designs against Covid-19

This project promoted by The Design Museum gathers together the multiple initiatives from the world of design that have offered a quick and effective response to the urgent health and social needs derived from the COVID-19 pandemic.

From Pasqual Arnella we have collaborated with our paper pulp mannequins so that some of these designs, such as: masks, respirators or protective equipment, can be displayed in an adequate, realistic and 100% sustainable way. Our Valira female head and Gento mannequin were the ones selected.

The exhibition can be visited from from November 13th to January 10th in Barcelona (Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes, 37-38. Barcelona) and from February 9 to March 14 at the Fernán Gómez Centro Cultural de la Villa, within the framework of the Madrid Design Festival.

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Cap de maniquí "Valira". Museu del Disseny

Caps expositors. Museu del Disseny de Barcelona

Maniquí de pasta de paper. Museu del Disseny

Maniquí de pasta de paper. Museu del Disseny de Barcelona


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