Pasqual Arnella

8 TIPS for a Sustainable Business

21 April 2021

Earth Day is celebrated in many countries on April 22. It was established to create a common awareness to the problems of overpopulation, pollution production, biodiversity conservation and other environmental concerns in order to protect the Earth.

Our reflection and the individual and collective action of all of us is vital to move towards a more sustainable world.
At Pasqual Arnella, we join in the celebration of this important day, but which we must keep in mind and work on every day of our lives. In our company, sustainability is a key value, especially in the last 10 years, which we work and improve daily.

Keep reading to find some tips that will help your business to be more sustainable. 

  1. Reduce Packaging. Less is more! If packaging is required, choose easily recyclable materials, such as cardboard and paper. Or reusable like cotton bags.
  2. Make recycling easy! Place recycling bins in all the areas/spaces of your company so that it isn’t a chore to recycle.
  3. Education & motivation. Encourage recycling in your team in order to become a part of your workplace culture and one of your company values.
  4. Renewable resources. To the extent possible chose natural light and 100% renewable energy.
  5. Minimize your waste. Do not print documents if it’s not necessary. If you need paper documents print double-sided.
  6. Km0 suppliers. Focusing on suppliers is key to reduce emissions efficiently. Are your supplier geographically close? Do they have a green policy? Do they offer eco-friendly alternative?
  7. Choose eco-friendly products. Avoid unsustainable products and find greener alternatives or, if there are none, try to reduce their consumption.
  8. Upcycling. Reuse your “waste” or old products for new purposes and give them a second life!

At Pasqual Arnella, we are 100% committed to sustainability and the respect for the environment.

Some of the actions we develop include:

  • Material. The material used to manufacture our products, the paper pulp, is 100% biodegradable and compostable.
  • Production process. We control the entire production process, using closed water circuits and low-consumption machinery. This allows us to generate a very low level of emissions.
  • Packaging. We pack our products in 100% recyclable cardboard and paper. And also cotton bags to wrap our products, which can be reused by the customer.
  • Green energy. We use 100% renewable energy. Besides, for some stages of our process, like the drying phase, we do it outdoors in a natural way.
  • KM 0 suppliers. Most of our suppliers (about 90%) are located in our industrial area, region or country.

For more information you can download our Sustainability Policy or visit our corporate video where we show our sustainable production process.


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